We are a nation of spoilt brats. There, I’ve said it. It’s been mulling in my mind for some time this has, and I figure, since it’s a new year and all, it’s high time I got it out.

See, these past few months I’ve been watching what’s been happening in our county, our country – and I don’t like it. We have been moaning. Oh my, how we have been moaning. Nothing, it seems is good enough for us.

The queues at the doctors’ surgeries are too long. Moan.

The ambulances don’t come fast enough. Moan.

The NHS doesn’t work hard enough. Moan.

Why isn’t my TV isn’t as big as my neighbours?

Why don’t I have loads of money?

Why should I have to work when someone else doesn’t? Moan, moan, moan, moan.

And I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of people complaining about pretty much everything. Because we do that, complain about everything – we do it.

Think. Something comes on the news, some piece, say, about nurses not caring, or about GP waiting times being longer than ever, and what do we do? We complain. We complain that the whole country is going to pot, and, in a way, we are right.

The political system, in my mind, borders on corruption, and don’t get me started on education. But do you know what? We are lucky.

We are lucky to live in a country that has the only free-at-point-of-entry health service in the whole world.

Our education is free (Universities aside…) We have free prescriptions for those who need them. We have a life-saving welfare system – even if the coalition is trying to dismantle it.

We have all this and yet we still moan, still demand. Anyone looking in from a less fortunate country would marvel and wonder what on earth we had to complain about. Yet we throw our rattles and we have a tantrum, all because our Sky Plus box isn’t working or our bins haven’t been collected or our post is delivered late one day.

We act like spoilt brats. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as guilty as anyone at times, but all the more reason to step up and get real.

So enough of the moaning. If it’s that bad, do something about it. But if it’s not, ask yourself: how lucky am I? And the answer may be all you need.

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