A LOCAL councillor has spoken of his frustration after being told he cannot erect an energy-saving wind turbine on his house.

Cllr Dennis Andrewartha, who represents Cam West on Stroud District Council, was told by his own authority that he could not put the turbine up because it would be too noisy.

He had hoped to set an example by producing 20 percent of his household's energy needs through the Windsave unit.

The Liberal Democrat leader told the Gazette: "I found out a couple of weeks ago when an environmental officer from the council emailed me.

"Apparently the noise created by the unit would be at complaint level', which I find hard to believe because I live in an area next to a motorway and near a train line. I could understand if I lived in a quiet countryside area."

Cllr Andrewartha says he will now wait for the results of a noise-survey, being commissioned by the manufacturers Windsave, before taking further action.

He said: "If I wasn't a councillor then I would not have accepted their decision.

"What I want to do though is show people how this can be done. If I can work my way through the procedure, I'll be ploughing the furrow for others."

A spokesman for the company confirmed it was looking into a detailed report about the turbine's noise profile, which would be caused by wind rush on the structure and its blade tips cutting the air.

The units deliver up to one-kilowatt power and are available from B&Q for just under £1500.

Cllr Andrewartha says people should be aware of the problems they may face in putting up a turbine before making the purchase.

He added: "On the information provided by B&Q they say it is as easy as installing a Satellite dish but that isn't the case.

"People should not be put off though because there are 30 percent grants available from the Department of Trade and Industry and those living in areas with good wind levels can make their make their money back in six or seven years."