THERE may be food aplenty but life on the WWT Slimbridge Reserve is anything but carefree when there are predators about.

This Wildlife Weekly shows how species react to dangers from the sky as a Peregrine falcon uses the Reserve as its hunting ground.

Redshank, Lapwing and Curlew protect themselves by staying in flocks which leads to some amazing spectacles for wildlife lovers.

But as warden Martin McGill explains predators don't always attack from above, we also feature the rather innocuous-looking Water rail.

This voracious hunter skulks in the undergrowth but is always on the lookout for its next meal.

Generally it will eat insects but occasionally it will manage to capture a small bird by impaling or drowning it.

To end on a lighter note we visit mammal expert John Crooks to see a Harvest Mouse and learn a bit more about this attractive wetland mammal.