DESPITE objections from over 100 residents and parents, 19 homes are expected to be built opposite two schools in Cam.

Stroud District Council’s refusal of two different planning applications from Newland Homes have both been overturned by the independent planning inspectorate.

Teachers and parents at Cam Woodfield Junior and Infant schools had expressed their concerns that the development opposite would aggravate the problem of safety on the narrow Elstub Lane.

The developers had initially applied to build 19 homes, then 18 when the initial application was refused.

This was also turned down by SDC, as councillors did not believe enough had been done to ease the concerns about the road.

They also refused it on the fact it lied outside the settlement boundary, which outlines the limit of housing construction to ensure the countryside is not damaged.

But independent planning inspector Robert Marshall said,in his conclusion that the site was a sustainable location, with no harm caused to the character and appearance of the surrounding area.

“I have also in particular had regard to the relatively small scale of the proposed development and the fact that the limited amount of traffic generated would probably be dispersed over a number of roads,” he said.

“For this reason as well I do not consider that the proposed development would give rise to such an additional increase in traffic past the local play area and shopping parade as to have any material impact on highway safety.”

The inspector also awarded Newland Homes costs for time wasted in having to have a second hearing with Stroud District Council.

A spokesman for Stroud District Council said the costs would likely amount to several hundred pounds.

“We are naturally disappointed with the decision as the committee felt that there were legitimate reasons for refusing permission.

“The decision may have implications for other applications in the district.”

Fears have been raised in recent months that Dursley and Cam are soon to be filled with unsympathetic and unpopular housing developments after a High Court ruling on a planning application on Box Road in November.

Head of planning for Stroud District Council, Phil Skill, said because the decision was allowed it would harder to defend other applications outside the settlement boundary such as Elstub lane.