A NEW website has been launched to simplify public transport for people with learning disabilities.

The Better Bus Services group, (BBS) which works with people with learning disabilities, identified that reading transport timetables were especially difficult to understand.

Following this feedback, www.easytraveling.org.uk simplifies travel information on the internet by using an ‘easy read’ format after being co-designed by people with learning disabilities.

In addition to simplifying travel times, it puts all public transport information online in one place to help those with learning disabilities as well as older people and those with visual impairments.

People with learning disabilities stated that public transport timetable information, both online and at bus stops, was too difficult to understand and interpret.

The learning disability partnership board, which includes members from Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Voices, the NHS, carers and service users, decided to launch the portal following work with BBS.

An ongoing goal for the board is to help make life more independent for those with learning disabilities.

This website will make it easier for people to understand public transport timetables which in turn will help them maintain independence.

Jan Marriott, chairman of the learning disability partnership board, said: “This is a really excellent piece of work which has been largely undertaken by people with learning disabilities and I should like to thank everybody who has made it happen."

The website will also be available through the existing South West Traveline website and Gloucestershire County Council transport pages.