THE MYSTERY of a disappearing hanging basket has been solved thanks to the Gazette letters page.

A basket that went missing from Thornbury Community Garden was tracked down and reunited with its owner.

Garden secretary Jenny Ovens had written to the Gazette expressing her frustration that one of the garden’s spring baskets had been stolen.

Ms Ovens said its publication had led to a brilliant surprise.

“A lady in a near-by road had had the basket dumped in her garden,” she explained. “She has been caring for it and has now been delighted to return it to us.”

Thornbury resident Enid Edwards had discovered the basket dumped in her back garden two weeks ago.

She said she didn’t use her garden aside from when she put her bins out but had spotted a Tescos trolley up against her back door.

When she looked inside she spotted a hanging basket full of primrose, along with bunches of pulled-up bulbs.

After ringing the police, Mrs Edwards took the basket in and cared for the blooms while trying to find their owners.

She said: “I asked everyone I could think of but nobody seemed to know, until I looked in the Gazette and saw the letter.

"I just went up (to the community garden) and the security guard looked in the log and said it had gone missing that night.

“It was a bit of luck.”

The basket fell into the right hands, as Mrs Edwards already has several hanging baskets herself and was able to look after the town’s community flowers.

Ms Ovens added: “So many thanks to the kind Thornbury lady and to the Gazette for putting my letter in – very much appreciated.”

Thornbury Community Garden sent her a thank you card – along with some more flowers.