A TOWN council has released surveys for local businesses to help with its first ever Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Dursley Town Council is compiling the views of local businesses in Dursley and Cam to ensure the plan is effective and reflects the opinions of the community.

A Neighbourhood Development Plan establishes general planning policies for the development and use of land within a town.

The plan will look at where new homes, facilities, shops and businesses should be built, as well as what they should look like.

Some of the questions include “What do you think are the key issues restricting the growth of your business?” and “What type of new businesses and jobs do you think should be encouraged in the Cam and Durlsey area?”

Once agreed by a local referendum, Stroud District Council must use the Neighbourhood Plan to decide whether or not it grants planning permission for local housing, shops and facilities.

As an added incentive, each business that returns the completed form will be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win £25 donated by a local resident.

The survey can also be completed online at www.dursleytowncouncil.gov.uk.

For more information or to ask any questions contact the council on 01453 547758 or email ndp@dursleytowncouncil.gov.uk.