A BUZZARD that attacked a man in Slimbridge over the weekend has a history of violence, the Gazette can reveal.

John Tunnicliffe got in touch with the Gazette this morning claiming he had also been the victim of the “angry buzzard” reported on in today’s paper.

Though John, a chartered surveyor, made it away unscathed, the buzzard showed him it was not to be trifled with in a series of dive-bomb attacks with the potential to maim.

John was out for a jog from Dursley to Slimbridge and back on Wednesday, June 15, when he felt what he described as a “presence” around the area of Moorend Lane.  

“I felt a presence and slight rush of wind three or four times before I realised I was being buzzed by a bird,” he said.

“I eventually spotted what I realised was a buzzard who was flying circuits around me and then either dive bombing or flying relatively close to the ground and coming straight at me at head height. 

“In the end I had to run backwards and sideways to keep the bird in sight, and once or twice ended up jumping and waving my arms above my head to try and ward it off. 

“Eventually it got distracted by some rooks or crows, and I was able to carry on with my run.”

The buzzard may have a grudge against joggers as Dominic Holden, of Wanswell, near Berkeley, was also out for a run when the vicious bird came at him on Saturday.

Unfortunately Dominic, as reported in today’s edition of the Gloucestershire Gazette, was not as lucky as John and found himself struck by the bird.

“I felt an almighty whack on the back of my head. It was like somebody had punched me,” he said.  

John mentioned the incident to a friend that served as a gamekeeper in the Scottish Highlands whose response echoed the words of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.

He told John that the bird, based on his description, sounded young, adding that it was unusual for a buzzard to engage in such acts of aggression.

It is likely, according to Trust, that the two men stumbled upon a nest.

Dr Colin Studholme advised: “The best thing to do is back and the harassment should cease – then just find a different route until the birds have finished nesting.”

If you have come across this violent buzzard in the Slimbridge area please get in touch with the Gazette via sru@gazetteseries.co.uk or 01453 540217.