PEOPLE are flocking to a pub in Hawkesbury Upton to see a ‘Shaun the Sheep’ sculpture created by a local guides group.

The Beaufort Arms, in High Street, received a special present from the 1st Hawkesbury Upton Guides in the form of a sheep sculpture, mimicking Bristol’s ‘Shaun in the City’ hunt.

The group of 15 girls, aged between 10 and 13-years-old, presented landlord Mark Steeds with their ‘Long Shaun Silver’ gift earlier this month.

The sculpture, displayed in the pub's garden, aims to raise money for The Grand Appeal, the Bristol Children’s Hospital charity.

Louise Roberts, who runs the 1st Hawkesbury Upton Guides, said: “The village has always supported us with our fundraisers so we thought it'd be nice to give something back.

“My two guide helpers and our other halves had a very funny and pleasant evening putting the basic structure together ready to hand over to the Guides to decorate, one of the girls even wrote a presentation poem.

“We told Mark we were coming to the pub garden for chips and drinks and we wheeled our Shaun up on roller skates and his face was the best thing ever.

“By doing it Mark will make some extra money for the appeal and the girls have earned a special Shaun the Sheep Challenge badge, so everyone's happy-it was certainly a feel good moment.”

Mr Steeds said: “They did an amazing job creating the sculpture.

“The body is made from a bird feed container and the head from a plastic five gallon cider pin.

“We hope to raise a few more bob for the appeal but we will remain resolutely outside of the official ‘Shaun in the City’ proceedings as we’re clearly not part of it."

The ‘Shaun in the City’ sculpture hunt will see 70 sculptures, created by artists, designers and celebrities scattered around Bristol until August 31.