CHILDREN from a school in Thornbury brought sunshine to a damp and chilly day on Sunday for May Day celebrations.

The event organised by Thornbury in Bloom gave 13 pupils from Crossways Primary School the chance to learn about a series of traditional Maypole dances at the ‘Ring of Thorns’ site outside Tesco.

After practicing four dances, the children performed in front of a crowd of friends, family, Thornbury in Bloom members and other members of the public.

Laura Mann from Crossways said: “The children danced outstandingly and were a credit to the school.

“We would like to thank them for their wonderful behaviour, as well as to their parents for bringing them along to the event.”

Sue Aitken from Thornbury in Bloom added: “The children performed a number of lovely dances before they allowed some adults to join in the fun too.

“Our thanks to Tesco store once more for letting us use their land and for its sponsorship of Thornbury in Bloom and its work to maintain our beautiful floral town.

Mrs Aitken added: “The site’s group of 12 hawthorn trees in the circle represents Thornbury’s name coming from the ancient description of a dwelling surrounded by thorns.

“The beautiful flower display that we saw on the hillside has been replanted for this year and we have also had a good showing of snowdrops, primroses and bluebells in the area.

“For anyone taking a walk to see the area more closely there is a seat which gives a magnificent viewpoint across the River Severn.”