A PLAN to shape Thornbury over the next 20 years is set to be launched, with the community asked to have their say.

The launch of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) by the town council will reflect the localised needs and issues of residents and set out a vision for the town and its future.

Included in the plan will be considerations for the number of new homes to be built, where new homes should go, the type of housing that we need and how new homes are designed and built.

The NDP will also look at a wealth of other issues including the local economy, jobs, shops and town centre services, as well as transport, the protection of the environment and community infrastructure such as schools health facilities.

Thornbury mayor Cllr Helen Harrison said: “A neighbourhood plan for Thornbury will give local people more say in how Thornbury develops and grows over the coming years.

“We will be involving the whole community in deciding the future of our town over the coming months as the plan is researched, consulted upon and developed so it is essential that local people and businesses have a say and are involved at every stage.”

To start the process, the town council has announced it will be holding a public meeting next Wednesday, where the townspeople will have the chance to talk about the current issues Thornbury faces and how the town will grow into the future.

Taking place at the Armstrong Hall, the event will start at 7pm.

It is estimated that the NDP will take 18 months before it can be approved through a local referendum and become part of the Local Plan.

The NDP however cannot block development that is already part of the Local Plan, but will have influence on where the development would go and what it would look like.

The council has set aside £10,000 and will be applying for grants over the coming months to help fund the technical work and research needed.

A working group of volunteers will also be recruited to undertake research, consult residents and draft policies, supported by the Town Council who will also discuss it at key stages.