VICE president Gill Tamlyn, welcomed members and guests, Teresa, Louise, Pauline, Maria, Suzanne, Sarah and Anne to our June meeting.

Our president, Sue Grimsted has been in hospital but is getting on fine, we all signed a get well card and Carolyn Snell will take it and some flowers to her with our love.

Another member, Jeanne Callow, has been poorly so Edith Ridsdale will take some flowers from us to her.

Members were reminded of our Art Day at Hambrooke, August 12, and our social skittles October 7 also at Hambrooke.

Angela was thanked for her soup and pudding lunch, which was enjoyed by all and Carolyn reminded us about the group lunch at the Fox June 16.

In February our speaker was Mark Green, of Blood Bikes, one of our members told us of a fundraising event at Little Stoke Community Centre October 28, tickets were on sale and Angela has offered any money she makes on her cards to support them.

Margaret Silverthorn thanked members for their cards and flowers she received when she was poorly.

Our speaker for the evening was John Craig, Going to Blazes.

John had been in the fire brigade for many years and gave a fantastic and hilarious talk on his experiences.

Gill was thanked very much, the competition winner was Rosemary, who also won the raffle.

Next month is our birthday, we will have an American supper.