STAFFING shortages at Stroud’s Minor Injury and Illness Unit (MIIU) appear to be a symptom of wider issues within the NHS, and are cause for great concern.

Council members of the Royal College of Nursing have stressed that the current situation is intolerable, with staff often pushing themselves to work longer hours and have fewer breaks so that all patients receive the best care.

While all patients must receive the best care, the health of our medical practitioners themselves is at risk here.

It is alarming that minor injury units in our area have had their opening hours shortened and certain centres, such as those in Stroud and Cirencester, have had to be prioritised to the detriment of others.

The chief executive of Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust has said that there has been ‘some’ success in hiring further nurses.

But while there is an ongoing pay freeze on public sector work, it is easy to understand why people may falter before applying for positions or why nurses may be forced away from the profession.

The situation must change.

These fantastic medical facilities must be protected and supported as a priority.