Following the national announcement that people over the age of 50 and those at risk should have their second COVID-19 vaccination brought forward from 12 to 8 weeks, the NHS in Gloucestershire is reassuring residents that they do not need to contact their GP surgery.

The NHS will be in touch with those who need their appointment brought forward.

The majority of people over the age of 65 have received both doses of the vaccine and local vaccination teams will be working hard in the coming weeks to ensure that everyone over 50 and those with underlying health conditions will be offered their second vaccination within 8 weeks. This could potentially come at fairly short notice, but will most likely be in the week before your appointment.

Those who have a second dose appointment up to and including the 24 May should continue to attend their appointment as scheduled. Anyone else in these priority groups who had their first vaccination more than 8 weeks ago will be contacted to bring forward their second dose as soon as possible.

It is extremely important that if you had your first dose at one of the ten GP-led primary care network sites in the county, you have your second dose at the same place, as the second dose will be allocated specifically to this site and we need to make sure that you receive the same vaccine you received for your first dose.

If you booked your first and second vaccination at the same time using the national booking system i.e. you had your first dose at a local pharmacy centre or an out of county vaccination centre, the NHS will be in touch to rearrange your appointment; you do not need to do anything until then.

Those aged under 50 will continue to get their first dose, with their second dose within 12 weeks.