A PRIMARY school has achieved a good Ofsted report with the help of a postal sorting office and language classes.

Ofsted inspectors, who visited the village school in December, said they were impressed with many aspects of Kingswood Primary School including academic achievement, pupil behaviour and school provision.

The report said: "Kingswood Primary School provides a good education and outstanding opportunities for pupils' personal development."

It added: "Throughout the school, a high priority is placed on the development of social skills and cooperative endeavour. Pupils gain in confidence and self-esteem.

"Behaviour is exemplary because pupils are thoughtful toward each other and are busy and interested in what they are doing."

Mark Jarrett, the school's chairman of governors, said: "The governors are very pleased that the report recognises the contribution of all members of the school community, including parents and carers, in achieving such high standards."

Inspectors said they were impressed with the school's student council, governor and parent involvement, the school's charity work, clubs and its links with an African school.

"Pupils are enthusiastic participants in a good range of sports, music and other clubs and are always willing to try new things," said inspectors.

The Ofsted report also made reference to the school's French and German classes and its use of role-play.

The report said: "Imaginative role play is a strong part of the provision and this encourages pupils to take risks in their writing. The role play is currently a busy postal sorting office for all the school's Christmas letters."

The school was told by inspectors that it needed to improve in two areas, which were ensuring the rate of pupils' individual progress is maintained in Years 3 and 4 and bringing writing up to the high standards reached in other subjects.

However, inspectors did note that despite the school's writing standards being below national standards in previous years, they had begun to rise.

Headteacher Carol Brodie said: "We are all absolutely delighted that the hard work and achievements of everyone connected with the school have been recognised and celebrated through the publication of this report.

"We shall work hard to maintain and improve on the high standards already achieved."

The school already boasts a silver Artsmark award, Healthy School status, an International Award and has qualified for the Investor in People accreditation for the last 10 years.