A piano recital performed by Natalie Morton

And organised by Jenny Harris

On Saturday 4th November at 2.30pm,

 Venue at St Mary’s Church, Bitton with free admission.

 A beautiful recital by Natalie Morton, a professional musician, featuring beloved classical music: Beethoven’s “Pathetique” Sonata, and Nocturnes by Chopin, Field and Debussy were played beautifully creating a lovely atmosphere.

During a twenty minute interval refreshments of tea, coffee and homemade cakes were served at the back of St Mary’s Church. The coffee and walnut cake was particularly popular with the audience.

The event ended at 4:25pm.

Comments after the performance included:

“An absolutely gorgeous piece”- Anonymous

“Especially enjoyed listening to Moonlight Sonata” - Anonymous

“Brought tears to my eyes “ -  Anonymous

“Very relaxing”- Sarah Craddock

“A perfect combination of music from sombre to very light hearted . The pianist was exceptional - Pam Heyes.

The retiring collection for the Church funds raised up to £514 from very generous donations. These funds are needed to help with changes taking place to the structure of the Church including cleaning and some conservation and repairs to these ancient walls. The largest element of changes to the church will include installing a new floor with greater accessibility and modern heating as well as lighting to reduce the carbon foot print.