TEENAGERS are being blamed for vandalising a Winterbourne pond and setting fire to their own skate park.

Groups of youngsters have been spotted pouring petrol on the skateboard ramp before lighting the liquid in a dangerous attempt to melt the ice on the equipment.

They are also said to have been gathering at the duck pond and in the recreation field in the village where they have caused damage.

Older teenagers are thought to be responsible for driving their cars into the park area.

Winterbourne Parish Council is now cracking down on the antics to protect the skateboard park and fields and prevent any accidents.

Cllr Allan Higgs said he was in talks with a number of sports clubs in the village to ensure the gates to the fields were locked regularly.

South Gloucestershire Council’s youth team have been asked to talk to children at the skate park warning them of the dangers of playing with fire.

Cllr John Godwin said there had been a lot of concern about the reported incidents amongst parish councillors.

He added : "This is a dangerous practice."