GREEN-fingered enthusiasts, who want a slice of the good life, could be growing their vegetables in a garden near you if a plan by Dursley Town Council is a success.

Councillors are calling for local people will spare garden space, and either no time or little energy to cultivate it, to lend it to keen growers as mini allotment space.

The scheme would be mutually beneficial with the homeowner and the allotment tenant coming to their own agreement, perhaps with the grower paying ‘rent’ with some of their produce or helping tidy the garden for free.

The idea is one of a raft of plans Dursley Town Council has come up with to try to cut the three-year waiting list for an allotment in the town.

They estimate that they would need a further two to three acres of land, at least, just to clear the backlog of people waiting for an allotment.

Cllr Alex Stennett, chairman of the cemetery and allotments committee, said: "There are people in Dursley crying out for allotment space. We are desperately looking for land locally to either rent or buy, but this is proving very difficult as people are hanging on to it to sell to developers.

"So alongside looking for more land we are thinking about creating a partnership where people with large gardens give over some space to someone who wants an allotment."

Cllr Stennett said that while there would be no formal payment for the land the two parties could come to their own casual agreement as to how the person would pay.

"It's a win, win situation," said Cllr Stennett. "I have seen some of the vegetables these homegrowers produce and they are amazing, they really work hard on it and we want to encourage that."

The council has also asked current allotment owners whether those with larger plots would be willing to give up some of their space on a voluntary basis so a new person could have a small area to cultivate.

If you have a plot of land you would be willing to rent to the council or you have a large garden you would be willing to share with a grower contact Dursley Town Council on 01453 547758 or email