I WAS very pleased and honoured to be invited to contribute a message on this special occasion. Reaching 125 years is no mean achievement for a newspaper; we have all seen local papers come and go.

During the time that I have been chairman of Stroud District Council, I have had a unique opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. Without exception, those from the south of our district regard the Gazette as "their" paper.

The Gazette is very much part of the fabric of the district's society. Perhaps this is because it concentrates on news and presents it accurately; using a team of reporters that know their area.

Stroud District Council has always enjoyed a close working relationship with The Gazette; I think because we trust one other. There's no mutual suspicion and we're both committed to keeping the public accurately informed. As a former journalist myself, I see this as very important.

The Gazette hasn't stood still in 125 years, but it has kept up the best traditions of journalism and made the best of its heritage.

May I wish the editor, journalists, photographers and everyone else involved in producing the Gazette all the very best.

Here's to the next 125 years!