SIR - We were disturbed to read in the Gazette of the proposed development at Kingshill Park, Dursley. As interested parties, we must support the protesters in opposing this development for the following reasons.

Kingshill Park would not provide suitable access either for the heavy machinery/transport associated with the building works or for the increased volume of domestic traffic following development. The cul-de-sac is currently safe for children and the elderly. Their safety could not be guaranteed. A tragedy would be inevitable.

The size of the proposed development is not in harmony with the existing housing. It would add approximately 50 percent more dwellings at a significantly greater density.

Any development to Kingshill Park would result in disruption and loss of privacy for the existing residents. The provision of services could require road works and damage the safe attractive verges.

The purpose of housing developments should be to achieve safe, settled and balanced communities, not just bigger estates. A stated objective of our local policing strategy is to reduce crime and the fear of crime. We cannot see any compatibility with the proposed development and this objective.

This comment may not be normally be accepted as a consideration but is probably the most important. The residents of Kingshill Park form a unique, caring and stable community with true community spirit. There is genuine neighbourhood watch. The residents know each other. It is safe for children and the elderly alike even though it is close to a high crime area.

It should be used as an example to show how to achieve a model urban community. The proposed development would destroy something very precious and should not be allowed to proceed.

Mike and Denise McCann, Kingshill Park, Dursley