FUTEBOL De Salao has taken Thornbury Leisure Centre by storm.

The Brazilian football game, which concentrates on touch and ball skills, is being coached to youngsters at the leisure centre on Saturday mornings.

Launched three weeks ago by coach Roy De Sousa and Bristol Rovers triallists Jose Viera and Elio Martins, the Futebol De Salao sessions have been packed out by kids keen to learn the Brazilian game.

De Sousa said: "It is going very well and we have had a full house every time."

The skills school is run in two sessions - 10am-11am for seven to 11-year-olds and 11am to noon for 12 to 16-year-olds.

The courses have been so successful that Thornbury Leisure Centre intends to run them for some time yet.

Centre duty manager John Scanlan said: "All the courses have been full and we going to continue them after the summer holidays.

"They have been really successful and the kids have learned a lot of skills that they had not seen before."