HEALTHIER meals will be available at schools throughout the county after a new menu is launched later this month.

Gloucestershire County Council and its food contractor Sodexho have unveiled their "nutritionally balanced menu" they say will benefit pupils at 194 local schools.

According to sources at Shire Hall, it meets the Government's new food-based standards and is on target to meet the 14 nutrient-based targets before the September 2008 deadline.

Councillor Jackie Hall (Conservative, Gloucester), lead cabinet member for children's services, said: "We want to encourage parents to look out for the new menus when they are sent home with their children this week. We believe that there is something for everyone; from the ever-popular roast dinners to pasta dishes, fish and vegetarian options.

"All of the food groups will be colour-coded so that pupils can make an informed choice about the content of their lunch. The price of the meals still represents excellent value for money with lots of freshly prepared vegetables and plenty of fresh fruit and salad."

Examples from the menu include Roast Turkey Breast with carrot batons and cut green beans; Cod and Salmon Grill with garden peas and sweetcorn, and freshly baked Rice Pudding with jam.

It will be introduced on a three week cycle from October 30 although improvements mean the price of meals will increase by 10 pence to £1.75 each day.

Adrian Jevans, development officer for the Gloucestershire Food Vision, says he is encouraged by the way Sodexho have worked closely with the Healthy Schools Programme and Food in Schools to develop the new menus.

He said: "By working together, we will see a better schools meals service throughout the county, that will not only give us healthier kids but ones who are more receptive to learning."