A FUN meeting started with singing Happy Birthday for Dot’s 80th.

Money raised at last month’s auction was topped up to £200 and shared between The Willow Trust and Hope for Tomorrow.

Trips out were announced and discussed. The Walking, Book, Craft, History and Luncheon groups gave reports. Initial details were given about the GFWI centenary celebrations in 2019, for which each WI will need to make a banner.

Members were reminded to use the membership card in the booklet, and to sign up for the flower rota and events. Thanks to Jo for donating a banqueting tablecloth.

Speaker Sandra Ashenford told of her career, first in journalism, then as a primary school teacher specialising in history.

She challenged teams to identify 20 everyday items from the past, including sugar nips, glove stretchers and old pennies. Some items caused much debate and laughter, with no team able to identify them all!

The next meeting is on March 2.