WITH reference to Mr Mowforth's letter regarding the pedestrian crossing in Kingshill and motorists.

Mr Mowforth has once again got it completely wrong. Although l agree with him that the time the crossing has been out of action is disgraceful he really must think about what he said regarding the so called bias towards motorists before having his usual rant. I would like to remind him that, firstly, the delay on a crossing is there to make sure it is clear for the pedestrians to cross safely, not for the motorist's sake.

As for the cyclists, that have now become a growing problem on our roads. Let us think a moment what the lycra crowd actually contribute to the up keep of the roads and what they pay in road tax. Now let me think... OH NOTHING!

As a road fund, fuel tax paying motorist l have seen cycle lanes appear everywhere across our roads causing congestion where there used to be two lanes for paying vehicles.

I have personally had abuse from cyclists after reminding then NOT to go through red traffic lights. Not just one cyclist but a whole pack of them on the A38 who were holding up traffic by riding five abreast outside their cycle lane. Bias toward motorists Mr Mowforth? I don't think so Sir!

M Powell
