I HAVE recently returned from holiday and greeting me was my post and the Thornbury Gazette which both contained items of humour.

Firstly within my post was a notification from South Gloucestershire Council advise residents of a plan to impose a 20mph limit near schools. Some of the roads are cul-de-sacs so speeding on these roads is impossible. Park Road is narrow and with the school time parking makes traffic move at a walking pace. The council is doing here is authorising 20mph where traffic at school times cannot achieve. This another mad idea.

Secondly the Gazette contained two further items of humour. The first is the road safety fears of Liz and Helen Wood in Midland road, calling for more double yellow lines. If I remember correctly this is from somebody who stated in your pages that double yellow lines are for use by disabled drivers?

The other item was about a proposal for crematorium on land off the B4016 Alveston Hill. I would point out that the one at Westerleigh is used for the cremation of people from outside the South Gloucestershire area. There is a need for such a facility in Thornbury and the perceived 'Dangers' are no worse than 400 yards away at the leisure centre and golf club junctions at the bottom of the hill. This could also apply to the junction with Down Road. Is this another NIMBY factor?

Mr C Washbourne

Whitfield Road
