I AM writing in response to the article in last week's Thornbury Gazette on page 2 with regard to the three schools that are campaigning for a new crossing.

We definitely agree that a lot more discussion needs to take place before any 'knee-jerk' decisions are taken.

We've been informed that there was a plan about six years ago to construct an extension to the existing Crossways School parking area within the area of unallocated council-owned land bounded by north/west elevation of the infants school (edge of footpath), pedestrian footpath leading from Knapp Road to the infants school, Knapp Road boundary fence/hedge and existing car park. We understand the proposal included for it to be visually screened from the road with the existing mature trees retained and their density increased.

Some reconfiguration would be required to take account of additional staff numbers and the small group of apple trees whips that have been planted in this area in recent years.

At the time when this proposal was made, we were informed that the vehicle parking extension proposal was well advanced with the feasibility study completed and signed off, funding secured, and quotations for the work being sought. The project was abandoned at the last minute, when it was pointed out by South Gloucestershire Council officers that John Prescott had issued a “ruling” limiting the amount of “on-site” parking provision.

Thankfully the MP Eric Pickles rescinded this directive shortly after taking office, which is why New Siblands Senior School in Easton Hill Road have re-organised their school parking area to allow additional space for staff and visitors.

It also has to be remembered that the Thornbury population is set to expand with the building of 1000 or more new homes. We're not aware of any plans to build any new primary schools to cater for the additional pupils that may need to use any of the three schools in question. This could also increase the congestion and parking problems in the roads surrounding these three schools.

As we mentioned in an earlier letter to the Gazette, a lot more discussion and consultation needs to take place before any decisions are taken, and this MUST include the local residents who live in the immediate area around the three schools.

Mr & Mrs Cassell

Easton Hill Road
