AINSCOUGH Strategic Land’s description of their plans for development as, ‘the next logical location for new homes,’ is sadly accurate.

We really don’t need their houses – Thornbury already has agreed development well in excess of the Core Strategy – but our Liberal Democrat town councillors made this mushrooming of house building inevitable.

It was Councillors Tyrrell, Fardell, Holloway, Parkinson et al who championed development at Park Farm, even though it was one of the least logical and sustainable locations.

Many of us told them, if you give up your least logical site, the developers will move in for the others. They couldn’t see it. They wouldn’t listen. They naively promised us that development would end with Park Farm and sold us all down the river.

So next time you cannot get a doctors appointment, find a place to park or wonder where all our fields have gone, have a think about who bears much responsibility.

It was Councillors Tyrrell, Fardell, Holloway, Parkinson et al who put us on the overcrowded road to where we are now.

Ian Tell-Moody
