ALMONDSBURY’S first Christmas tree festival proved a huge hit with more than £600 raised at the five-day long event.

The festival was the brainchild of Sue Lamborne who has moved away from the village but remains a popular former resident.

Twenty five Christmas trees were bought by St Mary’s Church in Almondsbury before being sold on to local groups and businesses around the area for a nominal fee.

The trees were then decorated and put on display in the church to the delight of the church’s many visitors with donations going to the church fabric fund.

Alison Rowe, one of the church members behind the event, said: “The event was absolutely brilliant. Credit must go to Sue Lamborne for coming up with the idea which has turned out to be a great community event.

“Our first objective was to make the festival a big part of the community which by involving various local groups and organisations it has done.

“This was the first year we’ve ever held a Christmas tree festival but it has proved so successful and to be such a real community event that we will definitely be holding these festivals again.”