HOW DOES safety of the local community factor in when facilities are introduced to offer protection to the wider area?

The claims that a helicopter base in Almondsbury could having a potentially damning effect on users of the nearby motorway junction, as well as noise issues to nearby residents, appear to have fallen on ironically deaf ears as South Gloucestershire Council again grant permission.

But at what point does the greater good exceed the claims of the few?

Given extensive research on both sides, surely if there is even the slightest possibility that something could go wrong, that human lives could be at risk by the activities of the proposed site, that is should be taken as an absolute certainty, and if safety concerns are still raised, then more should be done to fix the problem.

Then again, what happens when those who are protesting are too far gone in their opposition to the plans that no alterations can satisfy them?

At what point can the few no longer justify their claims against the greater good that a new base of operations for a helicopter base that would provide policing and ambulance services would bring?