A PUBLIC consultation has been launched today over plans to redevelop Thornbury’s skate park.

The plans include proposals for a new café hub, providing a base for young people and youth workers, as well as the future expansion of the skate park itself and possible provision of a bike track in the adjacent field.

Improvements to the facilities at the park, which was recently renamed REKRE8, have been under discussion between Thornbury Town Council, the Skate Park User Groups and youth groups Krunch and Streetspace for the past two years.

Funds have already been raised through a number of sources including Thornbury Round Table and Lions groups, Seedbed and the town council itself.

Negotiations are also taking place with South Gloucestershire Council for the town to take over control of the site to allow the improvements to progress, with the aim of having the hub in place for the spring.

Cllr Clive Parkinson, chairman of the town council’s playing fields and cemetery committee said: “Recent improvements to the skate park, including opening up a new entrance to make the facility more visible and new seating and litter bins, have already made a positive impact on usage and behaviour at the site.

“It is hoped that these new plans will provide much better facilities for young people in our town.”

Penny Baker, from Krunch South West said “The Rekre8 project is an exciting development which Krunch is proud to be part of.

“Through the provision of a café hub at the heart of the development we aim to provide a safe space for young people to get drinks, snacks, support and work experience.

“It will also provide an ideal place for parents of younger children and other users of the Filnore Field space to supervise their children and get refreshments.”

Residents will have the chance to find out more at a consultation drop-in event at Thornbury Leisure Centre on Wednesday, November 1, starting at 7pm.

A separate event for young people will also take place at the skate park and at the Castle School on the same day.

Plans will be available with staff on hand for questions at both events, as well as in the town hall and by visiting www.thornburytowncouncil.gov.uk.

Dan Potter, youth worker for Streetspace said "We have been working hard to keep young people at the heart of this project.

“We have been on two separate trips with the user group to assess other skate parks in the south west and Wales to help us assess what will work in Thornbury."

Anyone wishing to comment can email info@thornburytowncouncil.gov.uk or write to the town council by the end of November.