IT SEEMS like residents in South Gloucestershire are being bludgeoned repeatedly with political news lately as we now face yet another election.

While our politicians tell us that these appointments will ensure the people have their say and strong stable governments are introduced, how true is that if the highest rungs of the political ladder are going to change only a matter of weeks after the newly devolved West of England picks a leader.

The only saving grace at this point in time is that, unlike many of our neighbouring local authorities, South Gloucestershire Council is not facing an election.

But even still, with so many campaigns and promises, it is all quite hard to keep up with and could lead to voter apathy as people feel overwhelmed and under-enthused.

This is a time where politicians and their parties truly need to get their act together and campaign not only for what people want, but in a manner that will make sure people take interest. The person who campaigns in the most original way could find themselves the shock winner.