AN annual general meeting of the Arthur S Winterbotham Memorial Hall committee will be held on Monday, April 10 at 8pm.

Members and officers of the past committee will be available from 7.30pm to informally discuss any issues before the meeting begins promptly at 8pm.

The hall is a community owned asset held in trust on our behalf by the charity commissioners and is managed by an elected management committee comprising of members, who appoint officers, who are usually also management trustees.

The purpose of the hall is to provide suitable accommodation for activities within the parish and surrounding areas.

The hall is mostly self-funding for day to day expenses; but relies on grant aid from sources such as other charities and councils, including the Cam Parish Council to fund improvements.

People who hire the hall and residents of Cam Parish over the age of 18 are entitled to attend the AGM to appoint, elect or stand themselves as members of the committee.