A CAFÉ in Thornbury is spreading goodwill throughout the community, encouraging customers to set aside a drink for someone in need as part of a new campaign.

The “Suspended Coffees” initiative, which has been running at Hawkes House for the past month, invites customers to purchase a second coffee for someone else, when buying themselves a drink.

Having taken off worldwide, the campaign aims to do more than just offer a drink, providing “physical comfort, conversation, a smile or even a laugh, and a sense of belonging”, according to their website.

“It’s about leaving someone a nice gesture,” said owner James Murray, who introduced the scheme to the café after being suggested to do so by Thornbury mayor Cllr Helen Harrison.

“This can be anyone from a sixth form student who doesn’t have any money on them and is stressed over exams, a homeless person on the street or a mum who has had a tough day.”

Cllr Harrison said: “Having an initiative like Suspended Coffees is a fantastic addition to the town and really demonstrates that Thornbury is a welcoming place, not just for visitors, but for our own residents.”

A suspended coffee can be bought for a donation of £2, with the pile of cups on the side of the bar indicating how many there are available.

“We have seen a really good level of interest so far,” said James. “A lot of our customers have looked at it and thought that is a nice idea.”

He said however that, initially, they did not get quite as much of a pick-up on the other side, with as many as 15 cups being unclaimed at one point.

“Maybe people are being slightly scared morally to ask for a free coffee,” he suggested, “so what we have tried to get across is that there is no judgement made or questions asked from the staff. If you ask for a coffee and there is a cup set aside, then it is yours.

“For a £2 donation they know they will be brightening up someone’s day, and to me that is very Thornbury. We live in such a nice community where people are ready to look out for each other.”

To find out more about Suspended Coffees, participating cafés, and how to take part, visit suspendedcoffees.com.