WHEN it comes to Christmas I am a last minute man.

Rushing round for intriguing items for Mrs Light’s stocking and perhaps finding some pre-sales bargains.

It is shopping on the edge and perhaps I am too old for it but this year I am pressing on.

Saturday, December 22 was catch up day, I planned it with military precision.

There would be an early morning trip to Tesco then leaving Mrs Light unpacking I will speed into Cirencester.

Waterstones first then WHSmith followed by wherever is necessary.

Corn Hall and The Market Place markets have been excellent this year and rich pickings are to be found there.

Cirencester has an engaging new vicar and he is distributing mince pies in the market place.

I hope to catch his eye.

By now I will be exhausted therefore I shall slip into a pew at the Shoppers Carol Service (11 am).

In defence to my fellow carollers I shall not sing but remember the school carol services of the late 1950s.

In 1958 as new head boy I read one of the lessons.

The words are still with me.

“A multitude of the heavenly host” such memories are never forgotten.

Home next smuggling my purchases upstairs before preparing for a battle that is not easy to win.

Forest Green have a home game and December weather at Nailsworth can be relentless.

Never do I move gracefully but I shall today, waddle into the ground where there is one final destination, the club shop.

Perhaps in a few week’s Mrs Light (The Rev Light) will be the only member of Cirencester Ministry team heading for a home communion or hospital visit wearing a Forest Green bobble hat.

All the rush of that day will be behind me when you read about it and there will of course have been some hits and some misses.

Penny has her own secret agenda for Saturday, December 23 and is more than content to see me busy myself with mine.

Children are some way away with lives of their own and the first visit is on December 29.

In any case I can probably find an episode of Father Brown on TV where the best looking TV villain is executing some masterplan and Flambeau defies the laws of heredity.

Check the name of the actor playing him!