The following planning applications were registered with South Gloucestershire Council between 31.12.18 and 6.1.19.

Buckover: Milbury House, Whitewall Lane, conversion of barn to 1 no. dwelling with associated works.

Charfield: Land north of Wotton Road, erection of 115 no. residential dwellings to include details of layout, scale, appearance of buildings and landscaping (Approval of Reserved Matters to be read in conjunction with Outline Planning Permission PT16/6924/O).

Dyrham: Dyrham Park, Upper Street, internal alterations to include structural repairs to the staircase and redecoration of the staircase, walls, panelling, windows, shutters and ceiling.

Frampton Cotterell: 25 Lower Stone Close, erection of a two storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation.

Hallen: The Hallen Centre, Moorhouse Lane, installation of solar panels to west and south facing roof.

Oldland: 50 West Street, Oldland Common, erection detached double garage; 1 The Elms, Cann Lane, Oldland Common, erection of two storey front extension to from additional living accommodation, erection of front porch and erection of detached garage; Excelsior Lodge, California Road, Oldland Common, installation of doors and windows to front elevation and raising of roof line to facilitate conversion to annex ancillary to the main dwelling.

Rangeworthy: Land opposite Two Oaks Manor Road, erection of 3no. detached dwellings with garages and associated works (Outline) with access to be determined, all other matters reserved.

Yate: Home Farm, Gravel Hill Road, variation of condition 15 attached to planning permission PK18/1813/RVC to substitute approved plans 3076_PA112B with 3076_PA112C, 3076_PA172A with 3076_PA172B and 33076_PA173A with 3076_PA173B as received by the Council on 4th January 2018; 41 Summers Mead, erection of a single storey front extension to facilitate garage conversion and porch; Land adjacent to Dalarna, Tanhouse Lane, erection of 4 No. detached dwellings, landscaping, creation of access and associated works.