Columnist John Light explains why he can't stand sitting on a sun lounger

NOW that I am able to take more holidays a piece of research is coming to a conclusion.

It concerns furniture. The main finding is not in doubt. The most uncomfortable items ever encountered are sun loungers, the types of which are found beside swimming pools, especially in warmer climes.

Not one part of one’s body is comfortable upon them. It may be back or bottom, legs or shoulders or any number of these, but it is impossible to be comfortable lying on one.

The weakness of my research is that prejudice may be showing through.

I have two definitions of hell, one of which is swimming pools, the other being disco-dancing.

With so many sun loungers near pools I admit my judgement may be influenced, but all in all I stand by it.

High up on the discomfort list come school desks and church pews. From Sheepscombe to Cirencester, school seating was harsh and unforgiving.

People blamed the war and we were given short shrift if we complained.

Needless to say, as intrepid Gloucestershire children carried on whatever ordeal beset us.

Church pews never offer instant comfort and by supporting Penny my experience is considerable. My overall advice to any parish church council is to get rid of them. It is a course of action that has worked wonderfully in our magnificent cathedral.

The benches at the Cheltenham Cricket Festival (circa 1955) were providers of little comfort so I watched from a seat on the grass if it was not too wet, which it usually was.

Continuing with the sporting theme, I have to mention the press area at Forest Green Rovers.

Your local scribes SNJ Ash, Paul K and I are seated at the far end, and entering and leaving is not easy.

Tablets and keyboards have to be accommodated (them – not me!) and they are a considerable barrier to comfort.

My preferred seating is a director’s chair. Sitting in one I can imagine my cousin Jack Lee directing A Town Like Alice. This usually happens just before I head for the land of nod.