I am thoroughly sick of the disdain with which moneyed oafs in this country feel free to treat limits placed on their activities by the law in the interests of social harmony.

Not for the first time people over a wide area have been obliged to endure the dogged pounding of a debased art form issuing from a hyperactive sound system in the vicinity of Siddington.

This time its focal point was the old round house near the RCT camp at S Cerney.

The law presently indulges loud music for social occasions so long as the revellers have regard for the peace of others and that all noise from a sound system ends by midnight.

This was not the case on June 22 when the so-called music continued until 2 o'clock.

The police have washed their hands of any obligation to enforce this ruling which has been passed to the local council to enforce.

No council worker will want to get out of bed to perform this duty so the Hurray- Henrys will continue uncorrected.

Brian Green,
