NAILSWORTH looked its very best as judges for the Heart of England in Bloom Awards descended on the town on Monday.

Volunteers from Nailsworth in Bloom had been hard at work, creating and maintaining an array of flower features.

This year's theme, wool and water, resulted in some stunning displays, including a waterwheel made by Bob Warner out for scrap wood especially for the competition.

Located behind Bruton's hardware shop, it had been planted with flowers to represent water going round the wheel.

Another highlight was two planters fashioned from recycled materials and made to look like a pair of sheep.

Children from the Acorn School contributed a selection of colourful bug houses, and the Guides, Scouts, Brownies and Rainbows were amongst the 50 volunteers who lent a hand.

Nailsworth in Bloom chair Liz Townley said the judges visit went really well, but the result won't be known until September.