On recent walks to and from the town centre in Dursley I have noticed the proliferation of cans and snack packets along the Kingshill Road, particularly between Spring Villa and the garage.

I assume these have been thrown away by customers of one or both of these establishments or by others walking back from town.

This type of litter is not confined to this area; on a recent walk around the outskirts of the town I filled a carrier bag with cans and cups in less than an hour.

One came from KFC; the nearest branch is several miles away so presumably someone couldn't be bothered to take it home in the car!

This litter not only defaces the environment but is also dangerous to small animals, and to children who might try to pick up colourful items.

We all have rubbish and recycling bins so why is it so hard for these louts to take their rubbish home?

It's time we had a hefty deposit on all such items to encourage their return, and more pressure on manufacturers and retailers to get rid of excessive packing for sandwiches, snacks, fast food and all food items in supermarkets.

Jane Jennings
