A SCHOOL in Berkeley has changed one of its house names to honour Captain Tom Moore on his 100th birthday.

Last Thursday saw the inspirational war veteran, who has raised nearly £33m for the NHS by walking laps of his garden, celebrate becoming a centenarian.

To mark his century, Blue house at Berkeley Primary School was renamed ‘Moore’.

"The school house names have not been changed in over 50 years," said headteacher Alexandra Robbins.

"But plans were in motion before the school closures to update our house names to role models and public figures the children could relate to, look up to and admire.

"Captain Tom Moore is such a worthy candidate, and it also marks a time in the children’s lives they will always remember."

In the run up to Captain Tom's big day, pupils were given an NHS project for their home learning.

"The children have daily life skills and kindness challenges alongside academic learning, and last week we had a special theme week to celebrate Tom’s 100th birthday and the NHS," said Miss Robbins.

"This included learning about the history of the NHS and Tom’s history.

"The children all had family parties at the end of the week, which they had planned, organised, created and prepared as part of their project."