A POEM inspired by children in care has launched a campaign to recruit more foster carers across South Gloucestershire.

Aimee Williams, a poet from Yate, wrote a poem entitled I LAC Nothing. As a social worker for the council, Aimee’s poem was inspired by children in care and care leavers that she has worked with.

Now her poem has been made into an advert which is read by David, a young person who has experienced being in care in South Gloucestershire. The advert will be aired across South Gloucestershire during September and October, to reach out to people to become foster carers.

Aimee said: “This poem is very close to my heart because as a social worker I have been privileged for many years to work with children and families, children in care, care leavers and foster carers. I’m hoping people will watch and listen to this poem and consider whether they themselves could make a difference to a child’s life by becoming a foster carer. I am so proud that David - a young person who has experienced being in care in South Gloucestershire - was able to read the poem out in the advert that has been created.”

David said: “As someone who has been in foster care, it means a lot to be a part of this advert. Trust me when I say this, we need new foster carers all the time because for some children, it could mean the difference between life and death. Foster carers build the foundations for children’s futures when their families can’t.”