Yate Town Council are making Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) more widely available to the local community and have so far installed 3; the first part of two phases.

The first phase includes the installation of the AED’s on the outside of Poole Court, on an external wall at Sunnyside Pavilion, by the playing fields at Sunnyside Lane and outside the Armadillo Youth Café on Station Road.

The council liaised with South West Ambulance to ensure the AED’s installed are easy to use and maintain, and they have all been registered with the South West Ambulance Service.

A further AED is soon to be installed at Kingsgate Park near to the Elmwood entrance.

A spokesperson for the council said: "If, in an emergency an AED is required, please dial 999 in the first instance for the ambulance service who will direct you to the nearest accessible unit; if it’s a lockable cabinet they will provide you with a code.

"The Yate Town Council AED’s are bright yellow and require a code to access them.

"They have voice and visual prompts when the cabinet is opened. The Town Council is planning to have a public AED awareness session when possible."

Councillor Alan Monaghan, Chair of the Environment and Community Committee added:

“Less than 1 in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

"The on-going installation of easily accessible defibrillators in our town will play an important part is saving more lives."

"We are very grateful for the generous donations received so far from Renishaws and also from Councillor Ben Nutland, through South Gloucestershire Council Member Awarded Funding."

To sponsor the purchase and installation of a defibrillator - as a business or an individual, contact Yate Town Council at info@yatetowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 01454 866506.