Neighbours have rallied to support a householder who received a bizarre certificate in the post mocking the state of her front garden.

Residents in Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath have taken to social media to defend the family after they received the ‘certificate’ with a picture of their wall, via first class post.

The anonymous post said: “Congratulations. You have been awarded the WORST appeal front garden on the entire Badminton Road.

“What a disgrace. You are letting down the entire Coalpit Heath and Frampton Cotterell Community.

“More respect, less neglect to our neighbourhood.

“Its embarrassing, don’t you think?

“Please show some effort and give it a tidy please.


Mrs Leonard posted the image of her ‘certificate’ on a social media forum saying: “I cant imagine how naffed off the anonymous sender was when they say the hedge had all been removed last weekend, but they had already gone to a lot of effort to make and print this!”

Neighbours commented on her post saying how ‘rude’ and ‘condescending’ the letter was.

One neighbour posted noting the pandemic and said: “No-one knows anyone else’s situation, especially in these times, how hard is it just to be kind?”

John Griffiths posted a tongue-in-cheek remark saying: “I’ve spent quite some time now not maintaining my kerb front garden, with absolutely no recognition… Who is on the judging panel?”

Mrs Leonard had her front garden tended to last weekend, but intends to frame her new ‘certificate’ for her downstairs toilet.