SPENDING hours sitting still in a camouflage poncho, hoping to catch sight of barn owls, has really paid off for photographer Justin Collinge.

The Gloucestershire Camera Club member captured these amazing images in the Longford area.

Justin said that he first spotted one of the owls during an evening walk.

"The last few weeks there have been sightings of a barn owl, which has been on my bucket list for quite some time after purchasing a camera and a very big lens a few years ago," he said.

"I have been trying to get a photo of the barn owl, but with no success as they have very good eyesight and are sensitive to their surroundings.

"After watching and learning its patterns on my walks and through a lot of YouTube videos to learn about photographing them, I discovered that you need to be hidden and I needed to become one with the hedge. So I purchased a camouflaged poncho and other coverings.

"I have been sat on a little stool covered over with my purchases, getting a numb bum and sitting patiently for two to three hours through hail, rain and heavy wind."

Justin said there have been no shows at times, but he persevered as he wanted the perfect photo.

"On the second sitting, I discovered there was a male and female barn owl, which made me even more determined to get them photographed," he said.

"One night, whilst the male was patrolling the field edges, waiting to capture their tea, it glided just a few feet a long side me as I was very well camouflaged, we even had eye to eye contact.

"It has been an amazing experience and I have learnt how to be patient and quiet with a lot of perseverance.

"It is such a shame that these beautiful birds of prey are endangered but are highly protected due to them becoming less common, and to old barns being knocked down to make way for new developments."