Two consultations which will help shape the future of Thornbury come to an end in the next week.

The fate of the high street and that of the Armstrong Hall remain unclear, in what has been a turbulent 18 months for the town.

In June 2020 the high street was first pedestrianised and consultation on new permanent traffic rules is ongoing.

The Armstrong Hall Action Alliance, set up in an attempt to save the venue amid discussions over moving its facilities to Turnberries Community Centre, are also asking for feedback from residents.

Earlier in the summer the group set out a plan for what it sees as the potential long-term future of the Armstrong Hall Complex.

They are now undertaking a viability study to test the appetite of the local community for such a venue in Thornbury, as well as to scrutinise the financial and operational needs and implications of the project.

The Armstrong Hall Trust have agreed to support the viability study, which is expected to be complete by the end of October.

A questionnaire is running until September 30 to assess resident’s desire for the venue and the ways in which they would be willing to contribute to make it a reality.

Go to to have your say. Paper copies are available by calling 01454 413850.

Meanwhile, a period of public consultation on new traffic rules for the high street will come to a close tomorrow (Saturday).

The five Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) cover The TROs cover a proposed 20mph speed limit along the High Street and other town centre roads, disabled parking bays, loading bays, a prohibition of through traffic, one-way system for deliveries, a restricted parking zone and various waiting restrictions.

Changes are also proposed to parking arrangements along the section of high street between The Close and Midland Way, where two-way access would be retained.

To view and comment on the TROs visit