CAM Parish Council has elected Jonathan Fulcher to take on a second year as chair of the council with Mark Morton taking on the role as vice-chair.

Jon joined Cam Parish Council in 2019 and has a background of charity work and nature conservation that he hopes to continue to support the public into his second year.

“There’s a lot to be said for continuity at the helm while a new vice-chair, Mark Morton, and quite a few relatively new or returning councillors bring exciting new ideas and energy to ways of addressing local issues we all face,” he said.

Jon said he was looking forward to continuing as chair and hoped to see projects begun by the parish council through to delivery in 2022, as well as addressing ongoing and new issues.

“Over the coming year Cam Parish Council will continue to engage with the community and follow an approach that brings people and organisations together to listen, tackle problems and help where we can to make Cam an even greater place to live,” he added.