A CAM teenager has been issued with an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) to protect local residents.

Jamie Poulter, 16, from the Meadowvale Estate, in Woodfields, Cam, was issued the ASBO at Gloucester Youth Court last week.

It followed reports of Jamie sitting on vehicles in order to set off the alarms, throwing items at houses, harassment and causing distress to local residents.

The application for the ASBO was made by Dursley Police Safer Community Team, Sanctuary Housing Association and Stroud Area Safer Stronger Community Partnership.

"We take all reports of anti-social behaviour incredibly seriously and are very thankful to the local community for reporting these incidents,"

said PC Carrie Vinson.

"We feel that the order is necessary to protect residents from similar behaviour in the future and hope that it sends out a strong message that we will not tolerate such behaviour.

"We will continue to work with Sanctuary Housing Association and the Stroud Area Safer Stronger Community Partnership in instances such as this to ensure that local residents don't have to suffer from the consequences of anti-social behaviour and that every effort is made to deal with those responsible."

Under the order Jamie is banned from entering the grounds of any private property without the permission of the owner or resident of the property, or inciting any person to do so.

He must not touch any motor vehicle unless given the express permission of the owner or keeper.

He is also banned from throwing or kicking any item at or hitting any motor vehicles or buildings with any object, without the permission of the owner or resident.

The order runs for two years and will expire on July 3, 2010.

To report any incidents of anti-social behaviour contact Gloucestershire Police on 0845 090 1234 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555 111.