A MAN from Wotton who deleted indecent images of children from his phone while under police investigation has been spared a jail term. 

Gavin Brooks, aged 45, of Gloucester Street, Wotton, appeared at Gloucester Crown Court yesterday, Tuesday, October 10. 

Police visited Brooks' home on December 7 last year after being tipped off by the National Crime Agency that indecent images of girls were being uploaded to an app at his address.

Neil Treharne, prosecuting, told the court: “Brooks told the officers that he had been sent ‘some stuff’ via an app that he was using. 

“The officers explained to him that his phone needed to be analysed and requested that he voluntarily hand it over.

“At this point Brooks decided he needed to use the toilet and he took his phone with him. 

"While Brooks was in the toilet he deleted three apps from his phone and told the police he didn’t wish for the officers to see them.

Gazette Series: Gavin Brooks, 45, has avoided a prison sentence after pleading guilty to possessing indecent images of childrenGavin Brooks, 45, has avoided a prison sentence after pleading guilty to possessing indecent images of children (Image: Gloucestershire Police)

“Brooks was arrested and his phone was seized. 

“After analysis it revealed that it contained ten indecent images of young 13-15 year-old girls, all in Category C (the least serious of the three categories of illegal photos)."

The court was told that forensic examination revealed that there had been activity on one of the deleted apps in the days before Brooks’ arrest in the form of data, but the content could not be identified.

In an interview, Brooks said that he knew the police were going to take his phone and because he had indecent images on it he decided in a panic to remove the apps.

He later admitted this was a stupid thing to have done. 

He added that he had gone on one of the apps to talk about conspiracy theories in a forum and in another app he pretended to be a young girl and was sent indecent images of children. He said he didn’t ask for them and that they were unsolicited. 

Christopher Jeyes defending said: “When it comes to remorse, this is work in progress. 

“Brooks ultimately needs to have an honest conversation with himself over this. 

“However he has pleaded guilty to both offences. But because of this conviction, there is a possibility he will now lose his employment."

Brooks pleaded guilty to making ten indecent images of children on December 7, 2022 and perverting the course of justice by deleting apps from his phone on the same occasion.

Judge Rupert Lowe told Brooks: “Last year you ventured into some of the darker areas of the internet where you found and perhaps exchanged indecent images of children.
“The reason this is considered so serious is that the children who appear in these images are being raped by grown men and as a consequence having their lives ruined forever. 

“People like you are creating a marketplace for such material. 

“You took your phone to the toilet and deleted the offending apps from your device. 

“Perverting the course of public justice normally attracts a prison term but I have gone outside these guidelines to sentence you to a 24-month community order instead.”

The judge ordered that Brooks undertake 120 hours of unpaid work, attend 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and pay £250 court costs.

Judge Lowe also subjected Brooks to the terms of a sexual harm prevention order for five years and sex offender registration for the same amount.