Just a few weeks after starting secondary school, year seven students recently performed to friends, parents and staff at a welcome showcase. 

New pupils from Katharine Lady Berkeley's School performed pieces around the theme of Three Wishes on Wednesday, October 11.

Headteacher Hannah Khan said: “It’s no surprise that one of our core values is courage and the students demonstrated true courage as they stood and performed, only five weeks into their first term at secondary school.

“The strength of the performances reflected the hard work the musicians had put into their preparation, and the humour of the devised pieces showed great promise for future drama productions.

“The performing arts department is already underway with auditions and rehearsals for the school production of West Side Story in the spring term. 

“We are sure many of the year seven students who performed at the recent showcase will be the stars of future music and drama events at school.”

Gazette Series: Katharine Lady Berkeley's School

Gazette Series: Katharine Lady Berkeley's School

Gazette Series: Katharine Lady Berkeley's School

Gazette Series: Katharine Lady Berkeley's School

Gazette Series: Katharine Lady Berkeley's School