DOZENS of people paused yesterday on Remembrance Sunday in Cam and Dursley to pay tribute to those who have given their lives for their country. 

Residents paid tribute to the fallen at the Sunday Remembrance service in the morning in Cam and another service in Dursley in the afternoon. 

Despite the rainy weather, many attended including Siobhan Baillie MP and Dr Simon Opher, the Labour candidate for the parliamentary constituency. 

All images taken by R.Kelsey.


Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in CamPhotos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in Cam (Image: R.Kelsey)

Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in CamPhotos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in Cam (Image: R.Kelsey)

Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in Cam

Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance morning service in Cam


Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley Photos from the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley (Image: R.Kelsey)

Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley

Gazette Series: Photos from the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley

Gazette Series: Siobhan Baillie MP attended the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in DursleySiobhan Baillie MP attended the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley (Image: R.Kelsey)


Gazette Series: Dr Simon Opher, Labour candidate for the parliamentary constituency attended the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in DursleyDr Simon Opher, Labour candidate for the parliamentary constituency attended the Sunday Remembrance afternoon service in Dursley (Image: R.Kelsey)